Art and Culture - Hotel Al Soffiador

Art and Culture

A stay in Murano offers the possibility to admire the original Murano glass blowing and see the work of the glass masters giving life to their creations.

A short walk from our hotel you can visit the artistic glass works of the most famous glass masters like Pino Signoretto, Gianni Seguso, Barovier & Toso, Simone Cenedese for which Murano is famous worldwide.

Hotel al Soffiador is located in Murano Island, the Island famous i‎n the World for the artisanal glass blowing,in the heart of Venice Lagoon, in a unique and suggestive location.

The Hotel is situated on an avenue VIALE BRESSAGIO that has an abundance of shops – selling beautiful glass objects and masques – as well as numerous exhibition rooms and glass kilns where it is possible to watch master craftsmen at work as they blow their glass. This same avenue is also the location of the Abate Zanetti School of Glass and the Glass Experimental Station.

The Island of Murano is steeped in history and rich in museums and churches. Just a stone’s throw from the Hotel is the interesting Barovier & Toso Museum and the Church of St Peter the Martyr where it is possible to see the paintings of Giovanni Bellini and Tintoretto. A little further away are the Murano Glass ‎Museum and the Basilica of the Saints Maria and Donato, famous for its distinctive apse and mosaic flooring.

